World weather maps (world climate maps), aggregated into a (admittedly highly subjective) "travel suitability index", based on average monthly rainfall and average monthly temperatures. I use these maps to plan for future trips.
Data based on Wikipedia, with extracted monthly climate data for 2233 global locations. Downloadable raw data: [XLS]
- Bangkok [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangkok#Climate] is Horrible for traveling in September, as it is Very Rainy with 334.3 mm (≥ 115 mm) of rainfall; note that temperatures are Very Hot given an average low temperature of 25.0°C (≥ 20°C).
- Manaus [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manaus#Climate] is Maybe a suitable travel destination in September, as it is Rainy with 76.3 mm (≥ 65 mm) of rainfall; note that temperatures are Very Hot given an average low temperature of 23.7°C (≥ 20°C).
- Maputo [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maputo#Climate], finally, is very OK to visit in September, as it is Dry with 3.2 mm (< 10 mm) of rainfall, and Hot temperatures given average low temperatures of 17.2°C (≥ 16°C) and average high temperatures of 26.1°C (≥ 25°C).
Downloadable World Weather Map
(one file, size poster A0): [SVG] [PDF]
Average Rainfall mm / Month |
Average Temperatures |
≥ 115 mm |
≥ 65 mm |
≥ 10 mm |
< 10 mm |
High |
Low |
Very Rainy |
Rainy |
Normal |
Dry |
≥ 25°C |
≥ 20°C |
Very Hot |
Horrible |
Maybe |
OK |
OK |
≥ 25°C |
≥ 16°C |
Hot |
Horrible |
Maybe |
OK |
OK |
≥ 25°C |
≥ 12°C |
Warm (*) |
Horrible |
Maybe |
OK |
OK |
≥ 20°C |
≥ 10°C |
Spring |
Horrible |
Bad |
Maybe |
Maybe |
≥ 7°C |
Cold |
Horrible |
Bad |
Bad |
Bad |
≥ 5°C |
Very Cold |
Horrible |
Horrible |
Horrible |
Horrible |
< 5°C |
Freezing |
Horrible |
Horrible |
Horrible |
Horrible |
(*) "Warm:" either avg. high / low temperatures ≥ 25°C / 12°C, or ≥ 28°C / 11°C.